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Innova's Beloved Roc

You either throw them or you don't but you have probably said, is it more or less stable than a Roc?

Photo Credit: The Flight Record

You either throw them or you don't but you have probably said, is it more or less stable than a Roc?

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The Roc has been the go to midrange for a huge percentage of the best players in the world. Before everyone was committed to a brand almost every pro in the game had a Roc in their bag.

below is two great quotes about THE ONE TRUE ROC and some history on this beloved disc. Thank you to message board for some of the Information below.

"There are moments in disc golf where sponsors are forgotten, politics evaporate, and the love of the game shines through. This was one of those moments. @schusterick introduced me to The One True Roc today. I had never heard of it. That's because I started shooting disc golf about 3 years ago, which is apparently about how long this disc has been languishing in @sockibomb13 's basement for.”

The Flight Record

“As I was told. The One True Roc is a disc has been passed along for more than 2 decades by now. I forget who started the tradition. I can say that the founding fathers of disc golf have signed it as well as many of disc golf’s most beloved champions. The One True Roc is a symbol of acceptance as one of disc golfs greats by its peers. The idea is once you have, you sign it, use it sparingly and pass it along to the next golfer you feel is worthy. Obviously should you lose it or even worse sell it, death is the penalty.

ric ric unburied this lost treasure. It seems soon after I had it and passed it along it vanished. May the tradition continue and thrive. Fly on➡”

Philo Brathwaite

Types of Rocs:

-Original Roc - “Wings & Rings”, named because of the logo,- flat XD style Roc, made in San Marino

-Classic San Marino Roc - original dome, made in San Marino. The San Marino was more like the Rancho than the Ontario[1]

-Classic Ontario Roc - slightly more domey, made in Ontario

-New Classic Roc - The Classic Roc is still in limited production and will be available from time to time. It is now in the category of an all-around disc. The two closest discs to it are the XD (not quite as stable) and the Ching Sniper which is a little faster and a little more stable.[2]

-Proto KC Roc - it has the disc going through the Innova logo and reads "the Choice of Champions."

-After Proto KC Roc - Has a bar through it; it came just after the Proto KC Rocs.

-Original KC Roc - made in Rancho Cucamonga. The first run KC Rocs have a bar going through the Innova logo and reads "Champion Discs."

-KC Roc - made in Rancho Cucamonga. (The number of Xs refers to the number of years that Climo is listed as World Champion. Eg.- 9 times = 9x.)

-Super Roc - made in Rancho Cucamonga. The "Rancho" mold is identical to that of the USDGC Champion Roc, the KC Pro Roc and the staple, DX Roc. The plastic is sleek and grippy like old school Pro Line material. The Super Roc will provide a unique feel and enhanced durability. Sales of these discs will help support the 2004 PDGA World Championships in Iowa.

-Special Edition (SE) Roc - made in Rancho Cucamonga

-Special Edition (SE) Super Roc (178-180g) - made in Rancho Cucamonga

-Champion Edition (CE) Roc - made for the USDGC.

o2001 version is the Rancho, sharper nose (i.e.- not blunt). Most overstable.

o2002- regular blunt nose. Least overstable of the CE Rocs

o2003- is the blunter nose KC 8x mold

o2004 – blunt nose

o2005- the "pre-release" run of 1000 '05s are a remake of the Ontario mold , as are the Special Blends (SBs). Since the SBs were advertised as straighter than the regular '05s, my guess is they're not blunt.[3]

-Pro Roc (used to be the Super Roc). Available in SE plastic in 2004.

·All of the discs referred to by the city are not of the old style mold. The classic Roc was subsequently produced from the old original mold, or one like it, for those that craved the old disc. The "new" type of Roc has been produced with three different city names on the bottom, first San Marino, then Ontario, and now Rancho Cucamonga.

·The flat XD style Roc (sometimes referred to as the Wings & Rings Roc) and the original dome Roc were made in San Marino. Then came the slightly more domey Ontario Roc. Now Innova has gone back to the flatter dome a la

San Marino Roc, and they are stamped with Rancho Cucamonga and this includes all KC Rocs, Super Rocs, and

the ever sought after Original KC Rocs and Special Edition Rocs. Finally to further complicate things there are some San Marino Rocs (both XD style and domed style) that some refer to as "triple ring Rocs." Look at the under side and in the middle you will see 3 distinct rings.

·Different KC Rocs have different characteristics. The 8x are stable. The 9x are understable.

History of the different kinds of Rocs:[4]

1) Original Roc 21.2 cm diameter - narrow rim, one of the first discs with a bead, and was basically a beaded version

of the XD. This disc was first released around 1987, and discontinued around 1992.

2) Classic Roc - was a re-release of the original mold and came out around 1995 (I think)

3) New mold Roc - which we have several variations of today - is a 21.7 cm disc and was first released in '88/89.

Basically they beefed up the rim of the original and made it significantly more stable.

3.1) San Marino Early runs were made in San Marino, CA (and are the most sought after - selling for $50+ on eBay). Early runs had the same "wings n rings" stamp as the original mold, and had just a little dome to the flight plate. “A couple runs in '91/92 were super flat and hard - the best rocs they ever made, IMO.”

·The San Marino was more like the Rancho than the Ontario. (Dave D.)[5]

3.2) Ontario Manufacturing was moved to Ontario, CA and a new mold was produced around 1994/95. These runs tended to be just a little domier in general than most San Marino's - but were still awesome straight flyers.

3.3) Rancho Cucamonga Rocs. The Rancho Cucamonga Rocs were yet another version/mold of the same disc - and early runs had retained the shape of those early 90's runs of San Marino's Hard and Flat and very stable.

3.4) KC Rocs The onset of the KC plastic has produced a number of variations of the new style Roc (I think all Rancho mold's - with a slightly different plastic) I can't really speak to the quality or flight variations of the Ranchos/ or KC's as I haven't gotten through my stack of San Marino's yet

3.5) Pro (SE) Rocs in 2004. The Pro Roc should be available Mar 2004. The Pro Roc is overstable in tests. Pro Rocs were made from the standard DX Rancho mold, which is the more stable version.[6] The "Rancho" mold is identical to that of the USDGC Champion Roc, the KC Pro Roc and the staple, DX Roc. The plastic is sleek and grippy like old school Pro Line material. The Super Roc will provide a unique feel and enhanced durability. Sales of these discs will help support the 2004 PDGA World Championships in Iowa.


·With the proto-Rancho and the proto-KC Roc; there is a difference between the two. The proto-Rancho was made in heavier weights only and had an Innova choice of champions rainbow stamp, the disc came in white only and has a disc through the logo. The proto KC is similar but has an enormous nipple that actually indents the top of the disc (exactly like the 8 time KC Roc). The logo was also similar but there are differences there as well. The Innova stamp doesn't say choice of champions and is a bar through the logo and not a disc. (from Joyup Lee)


2003 more stable than 2002. (Dave D., 3/5/03)


·The "Star" Rocs are likely to be pretty hot for several reasons. They look and feel great. This is also the true "first run" of Star Rocs since Innova created the line. Star Rocs are stable (not overstable) like the Special Blend. They fly straighter and hold an incredible line.

·Star Rocs are pretty much the standard "Rancho" mold.

·Special Blend is more the "Ontario-style" mold, making them less stable than regular Champion or Glow. Special Blend Rocs should also prove popular as this is quite likely the final run of Special Blend discs. These, like the Star Rocs, are pretty straight flyers. Both gold and silver Special Blend Rocs are available. They are flippin' sweet.

·Regular Champion and Glow are all overstable pigs. If you prefer a meat hook, here you go.

·There was only one, truly clear disc. It weighs 180 and has a ghost "Eye Roc" stamp. Its whereabouts shall remain unknown at this time.

The numbers referenced refer to post #s on the PDGA Discussion Board.

[1] Dave Dunipace, #136649 - 02/02/04 08:46 AM

[2] Dave. D.

[3] CE Roc info mostly from Felix Sung but collected from Dave D’s info

[4] From Craig Gangloff on February 21, 2001

[5] #136649 - 02/02/04 08:46 AM

[6] Dave Dunipace, #149626 - 03/03/04 05:59 PM

Dave on the Roc

The Roc is simply the best, most versatile mid-range disc ever made. It provides accuracy at any range. This disc can take and hold the angle of release, even into a headwind. It can be used for driving, upshots, straight shots, hyzer shots or anhyzers. The Roc ages gradually and predictably. If you’re not sure what disc to throw, choose the Roc.

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