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Great Disc Golf Courses Of The World

DeLaveaga Park

Santa Cruz, Ca

This weeks great course takes us to Santa Cruz, Ca and the historic Delaveaga park or better known as DELA. There has been so much said about this course but the one thing I know is there is not a single tee shot on this course that is not fun. Fair may not be a word to describe DELA but I guarantee you when you get done with a round there the first thing you will want to do is play it again.

DeLaveaga SSA

All holes are considered par 3 at DeLaveaga Disc Golf Course. In the long pin arrangement the SSA for DeLa is usually close to a par round (depending on conditions). Therefore, a par round at DeLaveaga in the longer set-up is roughly equivalent to a 1000-rated round.

My top 4

4. Hole 6

Hole 6 is the first hole I really look forward to playing and who wouldn't like a a 413ft hole that you can throw a putter or midrange to.

Avery Explains hole 6

3. Hole 17 Gravity

Hole 17 is one of my favorite holes at DELA. Throw for the ace and hope to save par throw away from the basket and play the hill like John Baldwin and tap in for a two.

2. Hole 27

"DeLaveaga’s hole 27 is truly the “Top of the World,” and is perhaps the most famous disc golf hole on the entire planet Earth (the 3 pin locations for this hole are indicated in the above image). Originally the 3rd hole of the 1984 course, this hole combines challenges of altitude, distance, and wind with some notable limitations in available lines from the tree-scape. There is no question that familiarity breeds competence on this hole, and it is one of several holes at DeLaveaga that is commonly viewed as favoring local players. It is common for locals to throw their entire bag on 27 at the end of a practice round. Errant throws from Top of the World are common, and it is important for safety reasons to call out “fore” and the number of the hole (or parking lot) the errant throw is going toward. When you play 27"

1. The Masters Cup

This event needs no introduction just a list of champions. Hands down one of the greatest events ever to be created.

2015 - Paul McBeth / Paige Pierce

2014 - Paul McBeth / Catrina Allen

2013 - Paul McBeth / Catrina Allen

2012 - Paul McBeth / Sarah Hokum

2011 - Josh Anthon / Paige Pierce

2010 - Ken Climo / Carrie Berlogar

2009 - Gregg Barsby / Valerie Jenkins

2008 - Steve Rico / Valerie Jenkins

2007 - Josh Anthon / Des Reading

2006 - Ken Climo / Juliana Korver

2005 - Steve Rico / Carrie Berlogar

2004 - Ken Climo / Juliana Korver

2003 - Micah Dorius / Carrie Berlogar

2002 - Barry Schultz / Anni Kreml

2001 - Steve Rico / Juliana Korver

2000 - Barry Schultz / Shelly Bunch

1999 - Barry Schultz / Juliana Bower

1998 - Ken Climo / Anni Kreml

1997 - John Ahart / Anni Kreml

1996 - Ken Climo / Anni Kreml

1995 - Geoff Lissaman / Michelle Wade

1994 - Scott Stokely / Anni Kreml

1993 - Ken Climo / Kelly Knapp

1992 - Sam Ferrans / Amye Jerez

1991 - Glen Whitlock / Amye Jerez

1990 - Mike Loya / Amy Schiller

1989 - Sam Ferrans

1988 - Micheal Williams / Amye Jerez

1987 - Geoff Lissaman

1986 - Johnny Lissaman

Enjoy Round 1 of the 2016 Masters cup

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